Unleashing the Power of PyPy: Do int Optimizations Apply to Classes Subclassed from int?
Image by Sadona - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleashing the Power of PyPy: Do int Optimizations Apply to Classes Subclassed from int?

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When it comes to optimizing Python code, PyPy is often the go-to solution. With its just-in-time (JIT) compiler and advanced garbage collection, PyPy can significantly boost the performance of Python applications. One of the key areas where PyPy shines is in optimizing integer operations. But what happens when you subclass the built-in `int` type? Do PyPy’s int optimizations still apply? In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of PyPy and explore the answer to this question.

The Magic of PyPy’s Int Optimizations

Before we dive into the specifics of subclassing `int`, let’s first understand how PyPy optimizes integer operations. When PyPy encounters an integer operation, such as `a = 2 + 2`, it doesn’t simply execute the operation as is. Instead, it analyzes the operation and applies various optimizations to make it faster. These optimizations can include:

  • Constant Folding: PyPy evaluates constant expressions at compile-time, reducing the overhead of runtime calculations.
  • Constant Propagation: PyPy propagates constant values throughout the code, eliminating unnecessary computations.
  • Loop Unrolling: PyPy unrolls loops to reduce overhead and improve performance.

These optimizations can result in significant performance gains, making PyPy an attractive choice for performance-critical applications.

Subclassing int: What Happens?

Now that we’ve seen how PyPy optimizes integer operations, let’s explore what happens when we subclass the built-in `int` type. In Python, subclassing a built-in type like `int` allows us to create custom integer-like objects with additional features or behaviors. For example:

class MyInt(int):
    def __init__(self, value):

    def double(self):
        return self * 2

In this example, we’ve created a `MyInt` class that subclasses `int`. We’ve also added a custom `double()` method that returns the double of the integer value. But what about PyPy’s int optimizations? Do they still apply to our custom `MyInt` class?

Do PyPy’s Int Optimizations Apply to Subclassed ints?

The short answer is: it depends. PyPy’s int optimizations are highly dependent on the specific implementation of the subclass. If the subclass is implemented in a way that respects the semantics of the built-in `int` type, PyPy’s optimizations might still apply. However, if the subclass introduces additional logic or custom behavior that deviates from the built-in `int` type, PyPy’s optimizations might not be applicable.

To illustrate this, let’s consider an example. Suppose we have a subclass of `int` that adds a custom `__add__` method:

class MyInt(int):
    def __init__(self, value):

    def __add__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, int):
            return self + other
            raise ValueError("Can only add integers")

In this example, we’ve overridden the `__add__` method to add custom logic. While our `MyInt` class still behaves like an integer in many ways, PyPy’s int optimizations might not apply because of the custom `__add__` method. This is because PyPy’s optimizations rely on the original `int` type’s behavior, which our subclass has modified.

When Do PyPy’s Int Optimizations Apply?

So, when do PyPy’s int optimizations apply to subclassed ints? Generally, PyPy’s optimizations apply when the subclass:

  1. Does not override critical integer operations: If the subclass doesn’t override operations like `__add__`, `__sub__`, `__mul__`, etc., PyPy’s optimizations are more likely to apply.
  2. Respects the semantics of the built-in int type: If the subclass behaves similarly to the built-in `int` type, PyPy’s optimizations are more likely to apply.
  3. Does not introduce additional logic or side effects: If the subclass doesn’t introduce additional logic or side effects that deviate from the built-in `int` type, PyPy’s optimizations are more likely to apply.

Here’s an example of a subclass that meets these criteria:

class MyInt(int):
    def __init__(self, value):

    def get_double(self):
        return self * 2

In this example, we’ve added a custom `get_double()` method that returns the double of the integer value, but we haven’t overridden any critical integer operations. As a result, PyPy’s int optimizations are more likely to apply to our `MyInt` class.


In conclusion, PyPy’s int optimizations can apply to classes subclassed from `int`, but it depends on the specific implementation of the subclass. If the subclass respects the semantics of the built-in `int` type and doesn’t introduce additional logic or side effects, PyPy’s optimizations are more likely to apply. However, if the subclass overrides critical integer operations or introduces custom behavior, PyPy’s optimizations might not be applicable.

To make the most of PyPy’s int optimizations, it’s essential to understand how PyPy works and how to implement subclasses that play nicely with its optimization mechanisms. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can unlock the full potential of PyPy’s int optimizations and take your Python applications to the next level.

Scenario PyPy’s Int Optimizations Apply?
Subclassing int without overriding critical operations likely
Subclassing int with custom logic in critical operations unlikely
Subclassing int with additional methods that don’t modify behavior likely

Remember, when in doubt, experiment and measure the performance of your code. PyPy’s int optimizations can be a powerful tool in your optimization arsenal, but it’s essential to understand how they work and how to apply them effectively.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of PyPy and explore the fascinating realm of integer optimizations!

Do PyPy int optimizations apply to classes subclassed from int?

The answer is yes! PyPy’s int optimizations do apply to classes subclassed from int. This means that if you create a class that inherits from int, PyPy will still be able to perform its magical optimizations on instances of that class. This is because PyPy’s optimizations are based on the type of the instance, not the specific class it belongs to.

What if I override the __int__ method in my subclass?

If you override the __int__ method in your subclass, PyPy’s int optimizations will still apply, but they will be limited to the operations that can be performed solely through the __int__ method. This means that if you want to take full advantage of PyPy’s optimizations, it’s best to avoid overriding the __int__ method or ensure that your implementation is compatible with PyPy’s expectations.

Can I mix and match PyPy int optimizations with my own custom behavior?

Absolutely! PyPy’s int optimizations are designed to work seamlessly with your custom behavior. You can override specific methods to provide custom implementation while still benefiting from PyPy’s optimizations for the rest of the operations. Just keep in mind that if you override a method that PyPy relies on for optimization, you might limit the scope of the optimization.

What about instances of my subclass that don’t fit in a single machine word?

PyPy’s int optimizations are designed to work with small integers that fit in a single machine word. If your subclass instances don’t fit in a single machine word, PyPy will fall back to its general-purpose object representation, and the optimizations will not apply. However, PyPy will still provide its usual performance benefits for the non-optimized operations.

Are there any cases where PyPy int optimizations wouldn’t apply to classes subclassed from int?

Yes, there are some edge cases where PyPy int optimizations wouldn’t apply to classes subclassed from int. For example, if your subclass instances have a __dict__ or other attributes that prevent PyPy from using its optimized representation, the optimizations won’t apply. Additionally, if your subclass has a custom metaclass that interferes with PyPy’s optimization, the optimizations might not work as expected.

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